Registration opens in August!
Lift a single bell for 5 mins. Get an IKLF Rank and compete against others worldwide!
Scoring is scaled by bodyweight:
Score = Kettlebell weight (KG) x Reps / Body weight (KG)
How do I Participate?
Register by clicking going to & creating an account on Competition Corner.
Anytime from September 25 - 30, record your lift on your phone & post it to YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.
Log into your Competition Corner account & enter your bodyweight, kettlebell weight, & the number of reps you think you did to form.
Your preliminary score appears on the live leaderboard in real-time! The leaderboard will say "Pending Review"...
A judge will review your video to determine your official score.
Once all scores have been reviewed, the leaderboard will be updated & marked "Official Results" & you will be emailed your official certificate.