Register to Compete at the Remedy Kettlebell Club Here:
1) Click “Register Here” and complete the form
2) Submit Payment to Hub
$50.00 USD
Submit payment to the hub directly via PayPal or Venmo: (Paypal)
@RemedyKettlebell (Venmo)
Contact Remedy Kettlebell Club for more information
Time of Event: 8 AM Weigh-Ins
Rules Meeting at 8:40 AM
First Flight starts at 9 AM
1. BOLT Iron Man - All six lifts in increments of 10 minutes each with a resting period of 10 to 20 minutes in between sets.
2. Kettlebell Triathlon 2 (KT2) - All three double lifts in increments of 10 minutes each with a resting period of 10 to 20 minutes between sets.
3. Kettlebell Triathlon 1 (KT1) - All three single lifts in increments of 10 minutes each with a resting period of 10 to 20 minutes between sets.